02 March 2006

At Last, Sweet Morpheus

I made it through my two nights working intact. When I first worked at the emergency clinic 10 years ago, the schedule rotation had me doing that once every three weeks. I was much younger then.

So was the couch I got to sleep on during the day Tuesday, though it was far from new even 10 years ago. I had a vague recollection that it was a sleeper sofa, so I pulled the cushions off, unfolded it, and discovered that it had most likely not been used as such in its lifetime. Underneath the piles of animal hair, and dust, and push pins, and applicator sticks, and broken potato chips, and pieces of crackers, and airline boarding passes, and old romance novels, I found what I'm fairly certain are the remains of both Amelia Earhart and Jimmy Hoffa. Fortunately, the cleaning guy was there and nicely vacuumed it all off for me so I could somewhat make up a bed.

Unfortunately, the cleaning guy was there to vacuum and buff the floors, and although he did so with reasonable haste and consideration, it did delay my sleeping for a time. And once he was finished and gone, there was still the little matter of the roofers banging away over my head. The banging was not constant, so I generally had just enough time to drift off so that the recurring BAM! BAM! BAM! had maximum effect.

Tuesday night was busy, too. Not to the point of total meltdown, but still quite hectic. Nonetheless, I made it through, made the drive home without stopping for a nap and without falling asleep on the turnpike, and got some (albeit not enough) sleep. Then David prodded me into going to the gym. I forgot my gym shoes but I had my swim trunks, so I opted for a swim in the pool and swam a mile.

Now I'm really tired once again and trying to avoid going to bed too early, as I work again tomorrow night. So I'm off to spin for a bit, but I'm leaving you with a pic of some of the last yarn I spun from Madelyn. No, it isn't master spinner quality work, but it's soft and should make a nice something-or-other when it tells me what it wants to be

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